Jeep Colors Versus Powder Coat Colors
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Jeep Paint Colors Versus Powder Coat Colors

Updated: Mar 26

Since we started making custom jeep door handles it has been extremely difficult to find reliable information about powder coat colors that match or are very close to the jeep paint colors. We would usually just find a random list on the internet or we would find discussion thread with some color someone was going to try but rarely a decent photo of the final result. So we decided that when we found close matches we would post photos with the sample against the paint so that customers could the best information possible to make a decision.

Just a little bit of information we have learned through the years, powder coat and paint are very different. They are different in both how they are made and applied as well as how they look after the process and how they weather with time. Even if you find a powder coat sample that exactly matches a paint color, a powder coat color can vary from batch to batch as well as due to the thickness when sprayed and the temperature at which it is cured. So if you need an exact match for color then paint is really the only way to get a reliable match.

Although, if durability and ability to sandwich pieces together are more important to you then powder coat can be the best option. (When two painted pieces are forced together the paint can weld and be damaged if you try to separate the parts, which does not happen with powder coat.)

Here are colors we have photos of so far:

Prismatic Illusion Lite Blue against Jeep Hydro Blue (PBJ)

Powder Coat Sample against Paint
Prismatic Illusion Lite Blue Powder Coat Against Jeep Hydro Blue Paint PBJ

Prismatic Illusion Royal against Jeep Ocean Blue (PBM)

Powder Coat Sample on Paint
Prismatic Illusion Royal Powder Coat against Jeep Ocean Blue (PBM)

Prismatic Hawaiian Teal against Jeep Bikini Pearl (PPT)

Prismatic Flag Red against Jeep Flame Red (PR4)

Prismatic Fighting Red against Jeep Rock Lobster (PKT)

Prismatic Harbor Grey against Jeep Anvil (PDS)

Prismatic Western Beige against Jeep Dune (PTT)

Prismatic Sunburst Orange against Jeep Sunset Orange (PLC)

Prismatic Hemi Orange against Jeep Sunset Orange (PLC)

Prismatic Grumpy Blue against Jeep Chief Blue (PQB)

American Powder Coatings Ren Barron II against Jeep Firecracker Red (PRC)

Prismatic BMW Silver against Jeep Silver Metallic (PSB)

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